Wednesday, April 21, 2010

~Vancouer Island Doulas are now offering Belly Casting to our services~

Here are some messy but beautiful photos of the process to a memorable keepsake
Using warm water and gauze we get started. There are many designs that a belly cast can be trasnformed into, for this one we used a sweetheart neckline.

Before getting started we make sure mama is in a comfortable position, either sitting or standing, and that she has emptied her bladder. Here we are waiting for the gauze to harden.

A few moments later we carefully remove casting from mama.

Here we have it, the finished product. Made with beautiful fabric and lace accents. Also can be hung on the wall. Nice accent for anywhere in the house...maybe babes nursery?

A great idea for an event at a baby shower, a complete casting for a baby shower gift, or as a gift to yourself to remember your body in its pregnant form.
This can be added to your Doula services for $75. Please contact Erin, Seanna or Tanesha for more information.
* If you are attempting this on your own please make sure you have researched thoroughly*



  1. That is so cool! I wish I would have been able to do something like that for my 3 pregnancies. I recently saw some awesome belly painting done by April Lacheur of Yapes Paints here on the island to and it was another really neat way to do something special to celebrate a beautiful pregnant belly :)

  2. Pregnancy bellycasts are so AMAZING and BEAUTIFUL!!!You can see every detail and from the looks of this cast this mom-to-be had one of my favorite features found on many pregnant bellies which is none other than an outie bellybutton which I do SOOOO LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
