Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Prerequisites of a Mom

When I was pregnant with my first kid, I didn't think too far into the future or about the impending birth. With my second, I knew a little bit more about how a baby works and how to breastfeed. I did, however, think that I had one boy, then next one must be the same. Same parents, same sex, they must be alike. HA, was I wrong.

Over the past 6 years, I've morphed from the Mom of one baby, into the Mom of a toddler, then the Mom of a baby and a toddler and now they've grown into a preschooler and a grade 1'er. The learning curve that this has entailed from basic, daily survival to play dates with 3+ 6/7 year old boys has been wild! My purse now resembles a mix between a trip down the cracker aisle, a first-aid kit and a Hot Wheel/Bakugan graveyard.

There is no book that could have prepared me for the things they've said, the experiences we've shared, the laughs we've had and the tears we've shed. The best advice that I have ever been given is to relax and live in the moment. Time really does fly and before I know it they will be teenagers (gasp!). I'm relishing every minute of time with their friends, fun in the sun and snuggle times in bed, even if they do have freezing cold feet! I love being a Mom but who knew there would be so many prerequisites?

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