Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Declan - January 17, 2015

Hello little man, my name is Seanna, I am your mom and dad’s doula and this is incredible, unbelievable and crazy story of the day you were born.

I met your parents a few years ago when they hired me as their doula when your mom was pregnant with your brother Kieran.  Your mom was a super star during his birth and when she asked me to be her doula again and I jumped at the chance.

As your due date got closer I started checking in with your mom every few day, making sure she was feeling ok and to see if there had been any hints that you were getting close to making an appearance.  She had an appointment with her midwife on Thursday, Jan 15th and messaged me after to let me know that there hadn’t been any dilation and no real signs that labour would start soon. I relaxed a bit and settled myself in for a baby free weekend, hopeful that sometime in the next week things would start to change.

On the morning of January 17th I got a text from your mom letting me know that she had felt lots of Braxton Hicks contractions (kind of like little practice contractions, no painful) and even felt a little crampy, she also said the baby was feeling much lower in her pelvis. All great signs and they made me hopeful that we would get to meet you in the next few days.  We touched base throughout the day, your mom even made a trip to Costco! She had some mild contractions throughout the day, 8 or so minutes apart and then around dinner time she checked in to let me know that things were tapering off and contractions were 20 minutes apart. I believe she said “This baby is such a tease!! Maybe tomorrow!”  I went on with my evening thinking I wouldn’t be hearing from here again until the next day. 

At 938pm she texted me to say contractions were getting painful and were 8 minutes apart, I suggested she have a shower or bath, relax and see if things stayed consistent over the next hour.  I started to gather my things and prepare to make my way over the next time she checked in if her labour was progressing.

10:13pm, your mom texted to say she had taken a shower and that contractions seemed to be closer together and that she was going to start timing them again. I let her know I was ready to go anytime and to let me know if she wanted me to come. I get my stuff to the door and am putting on my shoes.

10:29pm, your mom texts to say the last two contractions were 3.5 minutes apart.  I say a four letter word to myself and text her back to say I am in the car and on my way, I tell her to page her midwife.  Your dad is driving your brother to friends for the night so we can head up to the hospital.

10:31 I leave my driveway and arrive at your house 8 minutes later just as your dad is pulling in as well. I run up to the door and open it to find your mom on her hands and knees at the front door have a very strong contraction.   She tells me that they are coming back to back now.  She has paged the midwives and I ask her if she wants to wait or just get in the car and go to the hospital now.  She shakes her head and moves to kneel in front of the couch.  While she is on her hands and knees I put my hand on her lower back to comfort her and feel a round protrusion fill up my hand and just as I ask her if she has been feeling baby move the bump slips down a bit and I realize it’s your head moving past her sacrum. 

More four letter words run through my mind.

Your mom is completely calm and brave.  Your dad is doing everything I ask, there is no panic in the room, the lights are low, it is strangely peaceful and a part of me thinks all three of us are in denial as to what is actually happening.

I call the midwife ( kind of like the show only no accent and no nuns), and she calls me back to see what’s up, I let her know that she needs to come over right away and that I think baby is coming soon.  Michele stays with me on the phone as she races out the door; Jo (the other midwife) is also on her way.  Help is on the way and from the noises your mom is making, help can’t come soon enough! 

Within seconds it becomes very clear that you are not waiting for Michele to arrive, your mom’s water has broken and I can see the top of you tiny head peeking out. 

My heart is racing, and my mind is screaming for Michele to drive faster. The lights are still low, your mom is still completely calm and in control, your dad is right there, Michele is on speaker phone, her voice coming through, “you guys are doing great, everything is ok, I am on my way, I am right here with you”.

A couple of somewhat stressful minutes of Michele trying to find the house and then I hear her car outside; your dad is at the door and points towards visitor parking (one of the classic moments of the night). Michele ignores direction and parks up front as I tell your dad she needs to get into the house RIGHT NOW.

11:13pm, I look to see your mom’s amazing body open up even more and put my hand out to gently cradle your head and as Michele comes through the front door, your perfect tiny head slips out into my hand.

11:14pm, Michele kneels down beside me and your mom gives one more perfect push and out you come into Michele’s end. You are screaming, pink and perfect.

Within minutes you are earth side, the placenta is out and you are lying on your mom’s chest, skin to skin, gripping her chin with your tiny hand.  Everyone is healthy and happy.

I am covered in goosebumps as I write this, a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes.  Your birth is the one of the most incredible experience of my life.  I am in awe of everyone who was involved, especially your mom, not once did she panic, she just went with what her body needed to do and trusted in the people around her. 

Jo arrived shortly after you were born and soon the room was full of laughter and disbelief of what had just happened.  We got your mom into the shower and then up into bed.

1:00am: Mom, dad and the wee baby boy are all tucked into bed, you are happily nursing away and we leave you for the night.

Welcome to the world Declan, I will never ever forget your entrance into the world!!!

Declan Boyd  born at 11:14pm on January 17th. 7lbs 10oz

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