Well little man, this is the story of the day you were born, and
when I say day, I mean FULL day, 24 hours to be exact….
A little background on who I am and how I came to be a part of
your story – I met your mom about 6 years ago when we were purchasing our first
horse, she was the vet who held our hands through our first ever pre-purchase
exam. She remained our vet and was there for us through all our firsts, the
first major injury, the first time ever selling a horse and through it all she
was professional, compassionate and most of all patient with all our questions
and at times hysterics (when said horse ran through a fence). When your mom
announced she was expecting you, I jumped at the chance to give back a
little bit and reached out to offer my support as her doula.
I have supported some truly incredible women throughout their
pregnancies and your mom has to be one of the most chill, laid back, low
maintenance clients I have ever had (and I have had some AMAZING clients). We
joked more than once that she made the perfect broodmare.
I met with your mom and dad a couple of times during the
pregnancy, came up with a bit of a birth plan and talked about what to expect.
As the big day approached we chatted almost daily, just to touch base on how
things were going and how she was feeling. The answer was always pretty much
the same, she felt pretty good, no complaints and no big changes. One of the changes we look for in first
time moms is for baby to start to make its way towards the exit, to head down
into the pelvis and get ready for the big
event. However, you seemed awfully content
exactly where you were and showed no signs you wanted out….
due date (New Year’s Day) came and went without any excitement at all, and we
continued to wait. Finally on the evening of January 5th my
spidey senses told me I would be hearing from your mom soon, I couldn’t fall asleep
and sure enough at 1:05am the phone rang. Your mom called to let me know that
things were starting, she was doing just fine with the support of your dad and
would let me know when she needed me. I checked in with her again at around
5:45am and we decided she would make her way to the hospital to see where
things were at. At 8am I met them at the hospital and after a quick assessment
it was determined that it was early labour, all was well and we were sent home
to labour away until things were further along. We headed home, sent your dad
to bed for a nap so that at least someone would be well rested when you arrived.
Your mom and I hung out, chatted, and
took the dogs for a walk. Some of the highlights of the day for me
were cuddles on the couch with the dogs while your mom bounced on the ball
trying to encourage you to come down.

mom worked through each and every contraction without a single complaint, as
they increased in frequency and intensity she just took it as it came. She did
everything suggested and tried every trick in the book to bring you down and to
get labour really going. Things started to pick up around 2pm and by
330pm, it was time to head back to the hospital. We arrived shortly after 4pm
and had another exam which revealed there had been some progression but not a
lot. The exam also revealed that you were definitely feeling the squeeze of the
contractions and didn’t love them, and they decided to keep her admitted so
they could monitor you a bit better. As soon as the exam was over, your mom was
up and out of bed and on the move again. We walked, rocked, lunged, bounced and
did everything possible to encourage you to come down but you remained very
comfy where you were. As we approached the 24hrs of labour mark, you started to
show signs that you were getting pretty tired of it all and the decision was
made to head to the OR for a C-section. It was FINALLY time to meet you!!
January 7th, at 12:53am, you came screaming into the
world and into the waiting arms of your mom and your dad.
Your mom is my new super hero! 24 hours of labour, 24 hours
without sleep and she worked so hard to meet you. She was incredible, and your
dad was her biggest supporter through it all. You are so blessed to have such
amazing parents.

Welcome to the world little man, you are
so loved and you have a wonderful life ahead of you:)
Dawson born on January 7th, 2019
8lbs 14oz

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