Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Have Faith in your parenting skills!

As a new mom or dad is born, so is the insecurity of parenting.

I have learned over the past 5 years that you have to just believe in yourself, your partner and your parenting abilities. Your parenting is not going to be the same as your best friend, your sister, your sister in law, or your neighbour. You have to do what you and your partner (although there can be some dispute at times) think is right for your family.

I read pregnancy, labour and parenting books one after another. Some information you find will fit your lifestyle and work for you, however if you feel something isn't right for you, then just put that information back on the shelf where you found it. Over the years I realized that parenting books contradict each other, so your left with the same questions that you started with. Co-sleeping, prime example. Some books say that it is great for both babe and parents, others say it is dangerous for both. Do what YOU feel is right. I'm not saying don't research the topic you are inquiring. I am just suggesting, that you decide in the end what is or is not right for you, and leave any guilt that you might have behind.

I was completely unaware before having kids the guilt that you carry with you. Are they eating a balanced nutritional diet? Are they getting enough exercise? Is this one TV show in the morning before preschool going to ruin her IQ for life? LOL Then comes the, Will she ever sleep in her own bed? Is he too rambunctious?
I have read up on things that are just absolutly ridiculous. Then when you read up on it, it is usually just one persons opinion on the matter.

So like I said before, do your research if you must. But when it comes down to it, seriously go with your gut. They don't call it mother's intuition for nothing. And those daddy's out there, believe it or not have it too!(even though they may not be able to hear it all the time) :D

~This blog was inspired by my brother and his new beautiful family. Me just reminiscing of when my babies, were babies.

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