Well little one, usually I start these off by saying "this is the story of the day you were born" but that doesn't really apply in this situation because you took a little longer than most to make your way into this world......
Your mom and I met at work and I was fortunate enough to be chosen as her doula (someone who helps women during their labours and births). I got to know her pretty well over the 9 months she was pregnant with you and a few months into the pregnancy I met your dad - your dad is a pretty funny guy kiddo, you are going to have a great time growing up with him and there will never be a dull moment!
On Tuesday May 6th, 2014 at around 10:30am I got a phone call from your mom, telling me that she thought her water had broken and a couple hours later her midwife confirmed it. It looked like you had decided it was time to start making your way into the world. Now we just had to wait for contractions to start and for things to get going.
And we waited.
And we waited.
And then we waited a little more.
Finally around 2am on May 7th, contractions had started and it looked like things were picking up, your dad called me and I headed over to your house to see if I could help make things a little easier for your mom. When I arrived she was doing really well and was trying to get comfortable and to see if she could get a couple hours of sleep before things got more intense. Midwife Michele came over in the morning to check on things and told us that she had dilated a little bit and to just keep doing what she was doing. Later that day around 12:30pm, Midwife Joanne came over to check in and to give your mom some fluids to help her keep her energy up. Your mom was doing so well, she was exhausted but didn't complain at all. When Joanne examined your mom she found that there hadn't been a lot of change and after talking about the options, it was decided that the best thing for your mom was to head to the hospital to see if they could help her get more comfortable and maybe even get some sleep while she waited for you to be ready to come out.
We headed to the hospital, got your mom all settled in and they started her on some medication that would help increase her contractions, they also started her on an epidural so she wouldn't feel the strong contractions and would hopefully be able to sleep and get some rest.
And then we waited.
And we waited.
And then we waited some more.
Little girl, you were awfully cozy in there, and I started to think maybe you had changed your mind and were going to stay in there forever!
Your mom and dad were amazing the whole time, your mom didn't complain, she didn't panic, she didn't cry, she didn't give up on you at all, not even a little bit. She patiently waited for you, rolling with each thing as it came and trusted that you would arrive when you were ready. Your dad was right there for her, every step of the way, making sure she had everything she needed and providing comic relief for the rest of the birth team. There was a lot of laughter on the day you were born.
Around 10:00pm on May 7th, when your mom was comfortable and all tucked in to sleep, I headed home to get a couple of hours of sleep myself thinking for sure you would be born in the night at some point.
I was wrong; the sun came up on May 8th and still no baby!! At this point you and your mom were hooked up to all kinds of things to make sure that you were both doing ok. Still no complaints from your mom, she seemed to just take it all in stride.
Finally at around 930am, your mom was fully dilated and ready to start pushing. A little over and hour later you made your way into the world at 10:37am!!
The biggest lesson I learned on the days of your birth was patience. The whole team of midwives, nurses, the doctor and your mom and dad were so patient. They all did everything they could to give you the time you needed to make your way out.
It was a long couple of days and I can only imagine how hard those days were for your sweet mom but I know without question, you were and are worth the wait.
Welcome to the world sweet baby girl - you are surrounded in love:)
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