Thursday, April 3, 2014

Birth Story of Caden James

They say that good things come to those who wait.....This is the story of the day you were born.

I met your mom 9 years ago when we both worked at the same place and a few months ago she contacted me to see if I would be available to be her Doula. I was available, and your mom and dad decided to hire me. We met a couple of times during the pregnancy and talked often about how things were going and what to expect on the day you would be born.

 In the last week of March things started to change for your mom and she started to show signs that you were getting ready to come. By Thursday March 27th your mom was having contractions but they weren’t very strong and they weren’t very regular but they were enough to make her uncomfortable and not able to sleep much, and she didn’t complain at all, she just was too excited about the idea of meeting you! This carried on all day Thursday and all day Friday, by Friday evening things were picking up a bit and your dad called me to come over and see how things were going. When I arrived your mom was doing great, coping with each contraction as it came and smiling in between. No complaints, just working hard. We agreed that it probably wasn’t quite time yet and that the best thing would be for her to try and get some sleep. I went home and a few hours later at about 1:45 am your dad called again and I went back over to see how I could help. Things were definitely picking up and your mom wanted to go to the hospital to see if she was making progress.

We headed off to the hospital and around 2:30am and the doctor came to check things out, there had been some progress but it was decided that it was probably best for her to go back home and rest until things got a little more consistent and strong. Your mom was a bit discouraged but she didn’t give up and she still didn’t complain, she was taking each step as it came. Your mom and dad headed home to have some quiet private time while I went home to get a little sleep and wait until they needed me.

At 10:30am I went back over to check on everyone, your mom was working so hard and was starting to get very tired. She wasn’t complaining and was still coping really well but we talked about things and agreed that she might be ready for some extra help and pain relief. She called the doctor and it was decided that she would go back up to the hospital to check her progress.

They got her admitted and checked out around noon on March 29th, she was 4cms dilated and it was agreed it was time to get her an epidural so she could get some rest so she could be ready when it was time to push. Turns out you weren’t quite turned the right way and needed to come around just a little bit more.

Once the epidural kicked in your mom was able to rest and by 5:00pm she was feeling and looking much better!! They checked her again and she was 8cm dilated!! It was huge progress and a clear sign that rest was exactly what she had needed. Your grandma and grandpa were there, so excited that you were coming soon!

At 6:30pm your mom let us know that she was starting to feel some cramps and some pressure and Dr. Reamer came in to check her again and she was fully dilated!!! It was time to push you out!! 6:50pm, your mom started to push – now usually with first babies, pushing takes a while to get the hang of – but not with your mom. She was amazing and we could see you moving down from the very first push! Within a short time you were right there and at 7:19pm you were born, perfect, loved and healthy. (You pooped all over your mom on the way out!!)

Your dad was by your mom’s side throughout the entire labour and birth; he didn’t leave her for a minute. The love between your mom and dad is pure, beautiful and rare. The hospital waiting room was full of people who already loved you and they hadn’t even met you yet. The nurses and doctors at the hospital were incredible and supportive. It was a great team who all had the same goal, to make sure you arrived safely into the waiting arms of your new family:)

Caden James  – March 29th, 2014 7lbs 8oz – 20.5 inches

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