Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Birth Story of Henry - February 21st, 2013

All because two people fell in love.........

This is the story of the day you were born. First a little bit about me, and how I came to be there on your birth day. I am a Doula – someone who helps people have their babies, it’s my job to comfort them, give them information and support them while they are in labour and when they give birth to their new babies.

On Feb 21, 2013, I had the unbelievable honor of being the doula for your mom and dad. And your dad just happens to be my baby brother, which makes me your aunt and I am over the moon happy about being your aunt. Your dad is pretty awesome and has always been pretty awesome; he is one of my very favourite people. I adored him when he was little and now that he is all grown up he has become a friend and someone I look up to and admire. He has been the best uncle ever to my kids (your cousin Ashley and your cousin Noah) and I love him very much. A few years ago your dad met your mom and from the first moment I met her I knew she was special and that she was “the one” for your dad. They have the kind of relationship that people envy and that most people wish they could have. To me, they are what true love looks like. They eventually got married, and then they made you.

 Fast forward a few months later and it was getting close to the time for you to make your entrance into the world. Your mom made pregnancy look easy, never a complaint about anything and she may have been the cutest pregnant woman I have ever seen (and I have seen a lot of pregnant women). Your dad was amazing the whole 9 months, attentive and always there to get her anything she needed, he was sooooo excited to meet you. We all were! 2 weeks before you were due, your mom messaged me to let me know that her midwife had given her a cocktail to take the next day that would help her labour get going. The next day around 9am, your mom took the drink and we waited. I went about my day, your dad went to work and your mom kept busy at home. I checked in with her often throughout the day and she kept telling me she was good, no real pain or contractions, maybe a few cramps. By the afternoon she was having more regular cramps but she still maintained, she was ok, no real pain.

At about 330pm, your dad called me to say that he was heading home from work to check on her, he had talked to her on the phone and thought she might be having contractions. I decided to stop in and check on her as well, just in case she was in labour and might need me. Your dad and I got to the house at about the same time and we found your mom in the tub, smiling away, when we asked her how she was doing, the answer was the same - “I’m doing ok”. I asked her if I could feel her stomach and when I did it was rock hard!! She was having contractions and they were only a few minutes apart, 5 minutes or so. I decided I should probably stay with her. Not long after that, the contractions got closer together, 3 to 4 minutes apart and were lasting 60 seconds or more. Your mom was starting to feel sick to her tummy and her pain was getting stronger. This usually means things are moving along quickly and that babies are getting ready to be born so I asked your dad to call the midwife to let her know what was going on. The midwife suggested that we make our way to the hospital in about 45 minutes or so. That was at about 4pm and within a few minutes of that phone call I knew we needed to get going sooner. Your mom was managing things perfectly, but she was sick to her tummy and she did not want to leave the bathroom at all. I was starting to worry that if we didn’t get going she might have you at home!!! Your dad very calmly packed everything into the car and we made our way to the hospital.

 We arrived at the hospital just before 5pm and within a few minutes your mom’s water broke (conveniently on the toilet and not in the car!!) and she started to feel like she needed to push. The midwives (Misty was the main midwife and she had a student with her named Paula) arrived and we got your mom up onto the bed so they could check her to see how far along she was in her labour. When they checked her she was already 8cm dilated!!! That’s amazing progress for a first time mom and your mom never complained once, she is so strong!!! After a few very tough contractions it was time for your mom to start pushing you out, and almost right away we could see your little head making its way out. Your mom pushed for about an hour and then there you were!!

Your mom is one of the strongest women I have ever met and your dad was right there for her the whole time. You were perfect when you came out, and I loved you the second you took your first breath. It was one of the greatest moments of my whole life and I cannot wait to watch you grow up. We are going to have so much fun and I am always going to be here for you, no matter what you need.

Henry Owen February 21st, 2013 @ 6:33pm 7lbs 8 oz and 21 inches long

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