Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Birth Story of Oriana

Welcome to the world baby girl – this is the story of the day you were born.

I met your mom and dad in December of 2013 (you  have really cool parents) and they decided to hire me as their doula (someone who would help support them through the labour and birth of you).  Your mom had been laid up at home on bed rest for a while but she still seemed calm and content to wait for you to make your big entrance.  I liked her immediately and was very excited to be chosen to be a part of this experience.

Late in January your mom started to feel things changing and showing signs that you were getting ready to come into the world, we stayed in close contact and often talked or texted every day.  As we got closer and closer to your due date it seemed as if labour was going to start any minute……but one day turned into the next and no baby…….  There were even a couple of days where we were all sure this was it and still no baby…. Most women would have been very discouraged but not your mom, she stayed calm and positive and knew that you would come when you were ready, in your own way, in your own time.

On the morning of Feb 6th I talked to your mom and she said she was feeling a bit different, crampier and I had a hunch that this would be the day.  We stayed in touch throughout the day and at around 530pm your dad called me, I could hear your mom in the background and she didn’t sound happy, she sounded cranky and a little bit scared so I packed up my stuff and headed over. I arrived around 6pm and found your mom most definitely in labour this time!! Great news!!  Your mom was doing really well, I think she was a little bit scared when the contractions first got going but she quickly settled down and got a handle on things.

I suggested we head upstairs and get her into the bath to see if that would help make the contractions less painful.  The bathroom upstairs is amazing! Great big tub and a really cozy space, it was the perfect place to hang out and labour.  We got your mom into the tub and she loved it.  We chatted and laughed in between contractions and at times it seemed to be going so well that I wondered if this was the real thing, your mom made it look easy!! 

(ps your dad is pretty great!! He was there for your mom, no matter what she needed, making sure she had something to drink and checking in on her the whole time)

After a while in the tub, she got out to cool off, while she was out of the tub contractions intensified again.  There was a quick phone call from a family friend who helped with some visualization and it came at the perfect moment.  Your mom collected herself, got back into the tub and soon it was time to head to the hospital.

We arrived at the hospital around 1030pm, and the nurses got your mom checked in, they wanted to see how far along she was.  She was already 6cms dilated when we arrived!!! And she was still smiling!! Great news at this point and your mom was doing so well!! We helped her get set up in the shower; it seemed to be where she coped the best.  We let the nurses know that your mom wanted to have a drug free birth and they were totally supportive, they made sure your mom had everything she needed without interfering in her process, it was fantastic! 

While your mom was in the shower, your dad and I took turns sitting with her, making sure she was ok and making sure she had enough to drink.   Every so often the nurses would come in to have a listen to your heart rate and make sure that you and your mom were doing well.  After a couple of hours they wanted to see how things were progressing and had your mom get out so they could check her again – this time she was 8cms!!   Things were moving along perfectly, the contractions were getting closer and closer together but your mom never complained, she just stayed focused and powered through.  We got her back into the shower and in about an hour she started to show signs that you were getting ready to make your way out. 

We helped her get back out of the shower and into the bed, and very soon after that it was time for her to start pushing you out!!  It only took your mom a couple of pushes to figure out how to do it right and in no time at all we could see your head making its way down.

Now – just to give you an idea of how smoothly things were going –  Dr. Vander linden, was sitting at the end of the bed knitting dish clothes!! At one point your mom opened her eyes and asked “are you knitting?!?!”  It was a great moment and it meant that the doctor knew everything was under control; she was letting your mom do what she needed to do and was there for when it was time to deliver you.  The whole birth team was perfect, your dad, the nurses, the resident, Dr. Harrison. Everyone was very supportive and made sure that your mom had everything she needed.

After about 40 minutes of incredible pushing by your mom, at 2:32am, out you came, perfect, beautiful and healthy.  You were born into a room that was filled with people laughing and smiling and into the arms of your parents who loved you more than you will ever know.

It was a truly incredible birth, you have truly incredible parents and I have no doubts that you will become an incredible person.  It was an honor and a joy to be there for your birthdayJ

Oriana  Feb 7th, 2014  - 8lbs 49.5 cm


  1. You have succeeded in turning me into mush! Thank you kindly for your presence at this most joyful of times.

    So much love for you!

    Papa serpa

  2. so so lovely. got teary for sure :)

  3. Made my heart feel all airy fluffy and light. Welcome to the world Oriana. Can't wait to meet you. Love to see you play and call in your friends and intregrate with everyone you call in. Watch you grow and become whom you choosen to become. The thought of it makes me happy and makes my heart swell up with love for you.
